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Thermo Scientific™ Sorvall X4 Pro Centrifuge Series
대용량 테이블 원심분리기-고급형
Pro series touch screen enables easier programming for quicker results--plus easily access and track all runs, rotor life and centrifuge health.
With capacity up to 4L, including 196 blood tubes and 96 15mL conical tubes, Auto-Lock for fast rotor exchange
최적의 성능을 위한 최고의 기술이 적용된 원심분리기
Sorvall 원심분리기 시리즈 중, 테이블탑 냉장제품은 세포배양 응용, 바이러스연구 등을 위한 튜브 및 마이크로플레이트 사용에 적합하고, 온도에 민감한 시료를 -10C~40C 의 온도를 유지하며 처리할 수 있도록 설계되었습니다.
· 제약/BIO GMP 시설 및 기초실험 이용 (세포 배양, 바이러스, 분자생물 등)
· Innovation – 실험자 안전 및 편리함 만족
– New 터치스크린 적용 (X4 Pro 시리즈)
· Reliable – GMP 적합 (X4 Pro 시리즈)
a. 데이터 추출이 가능하여 Data의 신뢰도를 높여 GMP에 적합(X4 Pro 시리즈)
b. ACE(누적원심효과) 기능으로 재현성있는 실험 결과 보장
· 실험에 따른 다양한 로터 /튜브 사용 가능 (Conical tube, microplate 등)
· 대용량 세포배양액 처리 가능 (최대 4L)

Product |
Max Speed (rpm) |
Max Volume |
Cat. No |
대용량 테이블 원심분리기 고급형 |
Sorvall X4 PRO, 비냉장 |
15,200 (FA) / 6,000 (SW) |
4 x 1000 mL (40x50mL/96x15mL) |
75009905 |
Sorvall X4R PRO, 냉장 |
75009820 |
Simple Operation and Design
· Full color intuitive touch screen for fast programming, centrifuge health monitoring and up to 100 program storage
· Modern industrial design supports continuous improvement in rotor loading ergonomics, user safety and current needed certifications
· Detailed operation information, including display of set and actual parameters, maximizes run performance and temperature accuracy for improved sample protection
· Easily adjust speed, time and temperature, even during the run, with the convenient keyboard for direct input
· Innovative lid-locking technology enables one finger downward motion for easy closing and locking of centrifuge lid, even on tall benches
· Double temperature management system displays the air temperature in the chamber as well as the sample temperature, ensuring accurate control of the sample temperature during the run
Thermo Scientific™ Auto-Lock™ III Rotor System
· Secure locking system allows easy push-button installation and exchange of rotors
· Saves time in switch between applications
· Easy access to the chamber enables quick cleaning, a healthier working environment and longer unit life
Thermo Scientific™ ClickSeal™ Bucket Sealing System
· Biocontainment system seals with a snap; eliminates screw caps and complicated clips
· Glove-friendly, one-handed open/close capability
· Certified by CAMR™ in Porton Down, UK
Thermo Scientific™ SMARTSpin™ Technology
· Advanced rotor management system maximizes acceleration, braking and residual load imbalance for each rotor and bucket option
· Optimizes safety and improves separations
Space-Saving Design
· Compact size conserves workspace on benchtop or floor
· Ergonomic height and curved design ensure comfortable sample handling and cleaning of unit
Energy Efficient
· Design saves up to 40% of energy on industry standard protocols such as blood separations or conical-tube processing
· Programmable centrifuge compressor start and stop can save both time and energy