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Thermo Scientific HERAEUS BB 15 (HERAEUS BB 15)

Thermo Scientific HERAEUS BB 15


  • Precise temperature and CO2 control for optimal growth conditions
  • Powerful humidification system for short recovery times
  • Solid copper interior for permanent contamination control (optional)


   현재 홈페이지에 등록된 제품들은 재고 유무와 관계없이 구입이 가능하며, 별도문의의 상품인 경우 반드시 유선상 확인 후 구매부탁드립니다.
   납기가 표기된 상품의 경우 일반적인 수입진행에 소요되는 기간이며, 상품에 따라 납기일정이 추가 될 수 있으니 참고부탁드립니다.

Thermo Scientific HERAEUS BB 15



Our Heraeus BB 15 Function Line CO2 incubator provides everything you need for the good growth of cell and tissue cultures.


Major Features
Precise temperature and CO2 control for optimal growth conditions
· Powerful humidification system for short recovery times
· Solid copper interior for permanent contamination control (optional)

Temperature Control
A precise Pt 1000 temperature sensor controls the air jacket heating for constant temperature. In case of failure, the system is equipped with a second circuit, taking over control to keep the temperature at the preset value.

CO2 Control
The CO2 concentration is measured with a highly reliable TCD sensor. The sensor is auto calibrated on every auto-start routine.

For reducing the surface area, the water pan has been eliminated and the bottom of the chamber is used as a water reservoir. Therefore, a quicker evaporation rate has been achieved, through a greater water surface area and supported by the direct heat transfer from the bottom of the chamber.


Minimal Surface
The BB 15 chamber is consequently designed for a less contamination-prone surface area. It doesn’t have any air ducts and no duplicate side walls. The shelf system has been reduced to the absolute minimum. Even the water pan has been eliminated. Therefore, the BB 15 has up to 50% less surface than other incubators.

Easy to Clean
The chamber has a high quality electropolished finish resulting in a very smooth surface. All corners and edges are coved; there are no bolts or screws inside. All door gaskets can be easily removed and reinstalled, making cleaning easy


Easy to Use
The shelf system is easy to mount and take off. The shelves contain a travel stop to avoid tipping when dragged out too far. The back of the chamber is equipped with a 42mm (1.7 inch) access port to facilitate installation of appliances within the chamber. Large displays allow easy parameter control.



Solid Copper Interior (optional)
The BB 15 is available with a solid copper interior. The chamber, the shelving system, the fan and even the fan housing is made of solid copper. Solid copper has been proven to show good antimicrobial activity. In the humid atmosphere the copper surface will slightly oxidize and microbes settling down on this surface get inactivated by the released copper ions. And because copper oxide is not volatile, it will not affect any cells in vessels or flasks that are not in contact with the copper surface. This results in a very effective, permanent contamination control of the whole interior surface area.

Left: BB 15 Function Line CO2 incubator – ideal for cell and tissue culture.

Right: The BB 15 chamber is consequently designed for less contamination-prone surface area


Technical Data

Type Unit BB 15




External (w x h x d)

mm/ inch

637 x 867 x 766 / 25.1 x 34.1 x 30.2

Internal(w x h x d)

mm/ inch

470 x 607 x 530 / 18.5 x 23.9 x 20.9

Total volume


approx. 151


air jacket temperature contro


Temperature control range


TA +3 … 55

Temperature deviation, time1) / spatial1)


±0.1 / ± 0.5

Ambient temperature range


+ 18 … 33

Recovery time at 37 °C2)






Constant humidity



Recovery time at 95 % rH3)



CO2 Control



Measure and control range

Vol – %

0 … 20

Control accuracy

Vol – %

± 0.1

Recovery time, 5% CO2 2)



Weight (excl. accessories)

kg / Lbs

70 / 154

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    상품에 하자가 있거나 주문한 상품과 다를 경우, 수령일로부터 15일 이내인 경우에 한하여 1:1 상품교환 또는 전액 환불 조치 해드리며,
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