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Multiport Selector Valve SV-04 (SV-04)


  • Runze patented product, sapphire valve rotor and stator, which resist to corrosion, high-pressure, high-temperature and high wear resistance, biocompatible and suitable for a variety of special media
  • Much smaller size, beneficial to miniaturization of instruments and equipment
  • Support various communication: RS232/RS485/CAN bus
  • High efficiency and maintenance-free
  • Widely used in environmental analyzers, medical analysis equipment and other high-precision analysis instruments


   현재 홈페이지에 등록된 제품들은 재고 유무와 관계없이 구입이 가능하며, 별도문의의 상품인 경우 반드시 유선상 확인 후 구매부탁드립니다.
   납기가 표기된 상품의 경우 일반적인 수입진행에 소요되는 기간이며, 상품에 따라 납기일정이 추가 될 수 있으니 참고부탁드립니다.

Multiport Selector Valve SV-04



Smart SV-04 multiport selector valve was equipped RUNZE patented sapphire valve spools with high hardness so as to anti-wear resistance to extend the service life.
This multiport selector valve is also biocompatible, corrosion resisting and temperature resisting, small footprint and maintenance-free systems make it widely accepted in a small compact instrument.
· Runze patented product, sapphire valve rotor and stator, which resist to corrosion, high-pressure, high-temperature and high wear resistance, biocompatible and suitable for a variety of special media
· Much smaller size, beneficial to miniaturization of instruments and equipment
· Support various communication: RS232/RS485/CAN bus
· High efficiency and maintenance-free
· Widely used in environmental analyzers, medical analysis equipment and other high-precision analysis instruments



Model Numbers of Selector Valve SV- 04



Flow Configuration of Multiport Selector Valve

Wetted material - PCTFE valve head and sapphire valve spool to create a fluid path of non-metal, anti-corrosion, anti-high temperature and wear resistance

Reset position - SV06 valve reset by CCW (non-changeable), rotor stay between port 1 and maximum port, public port disconnected with any port when valve at reset position


1. Center port is public port, valve switch to specific port by programming control
2. Wetted material - PCTFE valve head and sapphire valve rotor and stator, non-metal, anti corrosive anti high temperature, wear resistance
3. Flow configuration - 6/8/10 port and 1.2mm orifice to meat different applications
4. Reset position - SV-04 valve reset by CCW (non-changeable), rotor stay between port 1 and maximum port, public port disconnected with any port when valve at reset position
5. OEM service - RUNZE support special flow path design and customize



Description Parameter
Configuration 6 port 8 port 10 port
Orifice 1.2mm
Dead volume (port to port) 28.121μl 28.67μl 28.129μl
Dead volume (sealed rotor) 5.207μl 5.756μl 5.215μl
Wetted material PCTFE, Sapphire rotor/stator
Pressure rating 0-0.5Mpa (air) / 0-0.6Mpa (water)
Origin detection Auto reset to initial position when powered on (this function can be opened or closed)
Liquid temperature 0-150℃
Connection 1/4-28UNF
Replaceable parts Stator replaceable, sealed rotor irreplaceable
Transposition Random start to any specific port
Driver Non-optional
Valve drive ≤4s/circle
Baud rate RS232/RS485: 9600bps, 19200bps, 38400bps, 57600bps, 115200bps
CAN: 100Kbps, 200Kbps, 500Kbps, 1Mbps
Address& Parameter setting Via communication
Power supply DC24V/1A
Max. power 22W
Operating temperature 0℃~+50℃
Operating humidity <80% relative humidity, non-condensing
Dimension (L*W*H) 63.7*50.4*115.2mm
Net Weight 0.437kg



Driver Port of Multiport Selector Valve



Dimension (Unit:mm)




Multiport Selector Valve SV-04
Cat. No Model Description Unit Price(VAT별도) 재고
SV-04 SV-04 PCTFE, Sapphire rotor/stator Each
  • 소비자가:별도문의
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