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Disposable Polypropylene Spatula, Opaque (EcoSpatula)

LevGo smartSpatula™ Disposable Polypropylene Spatula, Opaque


  • smartSpatulas offer an economical, disposable tool for transferring, collecting, and handling chemical and biological materials
  • Economical, Polypropylene, Single-Use Laboratory Spatulas
  • Ideal for Transferring, Manipulating, and Mixing Materials
  • Versatile Double-Ended Design
  • Help Minimize Cross Contamination
  • Resistant to acids and bases
  • Autoclavable


   현재 홈페이지에 등록된 제품들은 재고 유무와 관계없이 구입이 가능하며, 별도문의의 상품인 경우 반드시 유선상 확인 후 구매부탁드립니다.
   납기가 표기된 상품의 경우 일반적인 수입진행에 소요되는 기간이며, 상품에 따라 납기일정이 추가 될 수 있으니 참고부탁드립니다.

LevGo smartSpatula™ Disposable Polypropylene Spatula, Opaque



· They are made of 100% Virgin Food Grade Polypropylene, smartSpatulas are the ideal solution for all sorts laboratory applications.*
· They are autoclavable for sterile applications.
· They comply with FDA regulations for food-contact.
· They are Ideal for sterile preps in compliance with USP 797.
· They are also available in EtO sterile packs of 100 (10 per sterile pouch).
· They won't shatter when used with liquid nitrogen frozen samples.
· The hollow core minimizes heat transfer - no more ungainly mitts when stirring hot or cold liquids.
· Patented smartSpatulas are sold by over 40 distributors of laboratory supplies, school supplies and compounding supplies. Call your distributor and ask for smartSpatulas .... or check our list of distributors and click through to the ordering page on their web site.

* The Antistatic Micro and EcoSpatulas contain small amounts of chemical additive to achieve their desired qualities. Please see their specific pages for details.


EcoSpatulas™: The ONLY Single-Use, Polypropylene Lab Spatulas that truly biodegrade

Due to exposure to chemicals and biologicals, most lab plastics are not recycled and, therefore, end up in standard municipal landfills.

EcoSpatulas are produced with the EcoPure® proprietary additive, which initiates and promotes a biodegradation process only after prolonged exposure to microorganisms commonly found in biologically active landfills and similar environments. Spatulas produced using this additive were found to biodegrade an average of 29% in the first 586 days of testing under conditions that simulate a biologically active landfill.*

EcoSpatulas retain all the original properties and shelf life of our standard PP spatulas: they are autoclavable, resistant to dilute acids and bases, and FDA compliant for food contact.

Important California Notice
California law prohibits the sale of plastic packaging and plastic products that are labeled with the terms ‘biodegradable,’ ‘degradable,’ or ‘decomposable,’ or any form of those terms, or that imply in any way that the item will break down, biodegrade or decompose in a landfill or other environment. These restrictions apply to all sales in or into the State of California, including such sales over the Internet.

*Biodegradation rates of EcoSpatulas were measured according to the ASTM D5511 test method. Tests were conducted using 48% solids content. Solids content in naturally wetter landfills range from 55% to 65%, while the driest landfills may reach 93%. Actual biodegradation rates will vary in biologically active landfills according to the solids content, temperature, and moisture level of the landfill.


· 140 mm long & 7 mm in diameter
· Double-ended spoon & scoop design
· Spoon fits into 15 ml tube
· Scoop fits 0.5 ml tube
· 99% Food Grade Polypropylene & 1% by weight EcoPure® Additive.
· Resistant to dilute acids and bases
· Shatter resistant in liquid nitrogen
· Autoclavable
· Meet FDA guidelines for food contact applications
· Great for compounding of sterile preparations in compliance with USP 797
· US Patent 8709362


Cat. No 17261
Dimensions 5 ½" x 0.13"
Size 140mm x 7mm
Color Opaque (aka Natural/White)

LevGo smartSpatula™ Disposable Polypropylene Spatula, Opaque
Cat. No Model Description Unit Price(VAT별도) 재고
18001022 17261 17261_LevGo smartSpatula™ Disposable Polypropylene Spatula, Opaque 210mm*7mm 300/pk
  • 소비자가:49,000원
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    주문하신 상품은 결제 확인 후 발송됩니다.
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  • 교환 및 반품 안내

    상품에 하자가 있거나 주문한 상품과 다를 경우, 수령일로부터 15일 이내인 경우에 한하여 1:1 상품교환 또는 전액 환불 조치 해드리며,
    이에 소요되는 모든 비용 또한 싸이스트(주)에서 부담합니다.
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    * 건전지가 포함된 제품의 경우 수입 및 유통 과정에서 건전지의 전압 저하 및 방전의 경우가 있을 수 있습니다. 이럴 경우 영업 담당자에게 연락 주시면 신속하게 처리해 드리도록 하겠습니다.

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    * 재고 상품이 아닌 경우, 수입 발주 되어진 상품의 주문 취소도 불가

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