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Soda Lime Solid Glass Microspheres 2.5g/cc - Bulk with Coating Options - 3um to 75um
P2011SL are the smallest glass microspheres made from recycled soda lime glass and manufactured to meet a tight distribution curve.
P2015SL are soda lime glass microspheres that improve clarity of color, creating a multi-dimensional effect when they surround pigments or metallic additives.
P2050SL has the broadest particle size distribution providing the benefits of color enhancement and consistent color from any viewing angle.
P2075SL has a larger average diameter which promotes the use as a flatting agent in industrial applications, such as paints or coatings, where a matte appearance is desired.
P2011SL: Median diameter (D50) between 3 and 6 micron, with a top size of 20 micron.
P2015SL: Median diameter (D50) between 8 and 12 micron, with a top size of 36 micron.
P2020SL: Median diameter (D50) between 20 and 30 micron, with a top size of 75 micron.
P2050SL: Median diameter (D50) between 35 and 45 micron.
P2075SL: Median diameter (D50) between 65 and 75 micron.
P2125SL: Median diameter (D50) between 100 and 150 micron.
Available as dry powder with the following options:
Uncoated - no surface treatment
Silane Coating (S2) - for improved dispersion in aqueous systems (~76 degree contact angle)
Fluorochemical Coating (F22, F35, F1) - for improved hydrophobicity to bring the spheres to the surface in solvent based systems
Other grades of soda lime glass spherical particles are also available: Solid Soda Lime Glass Spheres and Microspheres (Coated and Uncoated)