
Iron Oxide Nanoparticles (Magnetite) (산화 철(II,III) 나노파티클)


  • 산화 철(II,III) 나노입자는 빨강~갈색의 색상을 가진 구형에 가까운 나노 입자입니다. 화학성 활성도가 뛰어나고 공기 중에서 빠르게 산화되어 분 산성과 자성이 쉽게 손실됩니다.
  • Sizes Between 2 and 20 nm
  • Greater Surface Area
  • Straightforward Separation Methodology
  • Tend to possess Low Toxicity
  • Great Chemical Activity
  • Form : Powder
  • Packaging : Sealed PET Bottle
  • Purity – 99.9%
  • Average Particle Size: 20-50 nm
  • SSA: 110 m2/g
  • Molecular Weight: 101.96 G/mol
  • Melting Point: 2055 °C
  • Bulk Density: 0. 5 g / cm3
  • Morphology : Near Spherical
  • Colour: Brownish
  • Size Available : 100gm | 500gm | 1kg | Bulk


   현재 홈페이지에 등록된 제품들은 재고 유무와 관계없이 구입이 가능하며, 별도문의의 상품인 경우 반드시 유선상 확인 후 구매부탁드립니다.
   납기가 표기된 상품의 경우 일반적인 수입진행에 소요되는 기간이며, 상품에 따라 납기일정이 추가 될 수 있으니 참고부탁드립니다.

Iron Oxide Nanoparticles (Magnetite)
산화 철(II,III) 나노파티클



· 산화 철(II,III) 나노입자는 빨강~갈색의 색상을 가진 구형에 가까운 나노 입자입니다. 화학성 활성도가 뛰어나고 공기 중에서 빠르게 산화되어 분 산성과 자성이 쉽게 손실됩니다.
· Sizes Between 2 and 20 nm
· Greater Surface Area
· Straightforward Separation Methodology
· Tend to possess Low Toxicity
· Great Chemical Activity
· Form : Powder
· Packaging : Sealed PET Bottle
· Purity – 99.9%
· Average Particle Size: 20-50 nm
· SSA: 110 m2/g
· Molecular Weight: 101.96 G/mol
· Melting Point: 2055 °C
· Bulk Density: 0. 5 g / cm3
· Morphology : Near Spherical
· Colour: Brownish
· Size Available : 100gm | 500gm | 1kg | Bulk

Iron Oxide nanoparticles (Iron Oxide nanopowder) are at the fore of accelerated development in the field of nanotechnology. It consists of Magnetite (Fe3O4) and Hematite (γ-Fe2O3) particles. These particles have diameters extending from 1 and 100 nanometers. Hence, they are also known as Ferrous Oxide nanoparticles and Magnetite. Iron oxide nanopowder is beneficial as it can be altered by inorganic and organic factors, non-ionic detergents, starches, drugs, enzymes, antibodies, proteins for additional applications depending on their extensive surface chemistry strengths. The Fe3O4 nanoparticles manufacture using numerous methods such as dry processes, microbiological, wet chemical techniques. The most common synthesis techniques are biological, chemical, and physical methods.

1. The biological process of synthesizing Iron Oxide nanoparticles is helpful as it suits well in green chemistry by using bacteria, fungi, microbes, and viruses in the process. 

2. The chemical synthesis techniques are considered the most dependable and productive method with greater unity of nanoparticles. 

3. In the physical process of Iron Oxide nanoparticle synthesis, the top-down method is generally used to break the massive crystals into smaller units. Some of these methods include ultraviolet irradiation, laser ablation, lithography, aerosol technologies, and ultrasonic fields. 

Since we are the sole manufacturer and supplier of our product, we make it available at reasonable and affordable rates. We offer the product in powder as well as disperse form. Moreover, product customization is also available with us.

Properties of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles
Ferrous Oxide nanoparticles have significant attention due to their superparamagnetic qualities.
The unique properties include –
Super-paramagnetism – It has sizes between 2 and 20 nm and exhibits super-paramagnetism. It implies that their magnetization is zero in an outside magnetic field deficiency. This feature provides extra security for magnetic nanoparticles in liquids.
High surface-to-volume ratio – The surface area to volume ratio increases significantly in these nanoparticles. This high surface-to-volume ratio enhances reactivity and potential biochemical actions. This feature also allows a remarkably greater binding capacity and superior dispersibility of nanoparticles in the solutions.
They have a greater surface area.
It offers a straightforward separation methodology.
They tend to possess low toxicity.
It has great chemical activity and gets easily oxidized in the air, resulting in loss of dispersibility and magnetism.

Applications of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles
The particular size-dependent characteristics make them an indispensable and highly preferred material in many applications. There are some well-known fields with the possible applications of nanomaterials are –
Health care and Biomedical, in which they used as drug carriers for target-specific drug distribution and therapeutic agents for cancer treatments. It is also used in-vitro diagnostics (IVD) as magnetic sensing probes and nanoscale imaging. It also applies as contrast agents in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), vaccine and antibody generation, as carriers for gene therapy, detecting and treating bacterial infections, and carrying antigens into the bloodstream for a specific disease in magnetic separation of biomolecules.

Environmental remediation prevents pollution treats wastewater (membrane filtration, permeable reactive barriers, absorption) and catalyst coatings. Pigments are commonly used in the construction industry for colouring tile, brick, concrete, and other building materials. It is also used in superparamagnetic relaxometry (SPMR).

The electronics industry uses Iron Oxide nanopowder to manufacture printed electronics and spintronics to make terabit magnetic storage devices. Various high-end microwaves employ it in their production and operation.
The uncommon combination of features inherent to the various Iron Oxide nanopowder makes them absolute as components in some coatings, such as coatings intended to consume EM waves. The diverse forms of this product are of remarkable use in producing ferrofluids and magnetically effective fluids for various usages.

Safety Measures
Lab personnel involved in any duty with a potential to nanomaterials must use personal guarding equipment such as protective gloves, protective clothing such as a disposable gown or lab coat, respiratory protection, face shield, goggles, or safety glasses, and many more.
Laboratory personnel must take the appropriate training, including particular nano material-related standard operating procedures, wellness and safety risks, and measures to be considered in case of an exposure, before working with nanomaterials.
Exercise regular hand washing, particularly before eating, using cosmetics, or leaving the working.

How to use?
The nanopowder has a ZERO surface charge at an isoelectric point. Therefore, there is no electrostatic repulsion to prevent the particles from re-agglomerate.
Sonicate the particles for 15 minutes.
Accommodate the pH of the suspension from 3 to 4.
Sonicate the particles again for another 15 minutes
At pH 3-4, the particles gain a net positive charge and thus develop high electrostatic repulsion.

  • Cat. No FE304500
    Model FE304-500
    Description FE3O4 -NANO-500g
    Unit 500g
    • 소비자가:428,000원
    재고 별도문의
  • Cat. No FE3041000
    Model FE304-1000
    Description FE3O4 -NANO-1kg
    Unit 1000g
    • 소비자가:725,000원
    재고 별도문의
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  • 교환 및 반품 안내

    상품에 하자가 있거나 주문한 상품과 다를 경우, 수령일로부터 15일 이내인 경우에 한하여 1:1 상품교환 또는 전액 환불 조치 해드리며,
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    이에 소요되는 비용은 고객님 부담입니다. (제품 사용 후 변심에 의한 교환 및 환불은 불가)
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    * 건전지가 포함된 제품의 경우 수입 및 유통 과정에서 건전지의 전압 저하 및 방전의 경우가 있을 수 있습니다. 이럴 경우 영업 담당자에게 연락 주시면 신속하게 처리해 드리도록 하겠습니다.

  • 교환 및 반품, 환불이 불가능 한 경우

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    3. 제품의 포장(비닐 및 상품박스)을 훼손 한 경우
    4. 주문 당시 재고가 없어서 국내 / 해외 조달 분 중 수입 발주 되어진 상품
    * 재고 상품이 아닌 경우, 수입 발주 되어진 상품의 주문 취소도 불가

  • 환불 안내

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