
Copper Oxide Nanoparticles (CuO) (산화 구리(II) 나노파티클)


  • 산화 구리(II) 나노입자는 1 to 100nm의 크기이며, 불투명한 갈색~검정색을 띠고 있습니다. 전기 전도도 증가 및 경도 향상, 금속 및 합금의 강도 증가 연구에 도움을 줍니다.
  • It aids the condensation reaction of iodobenzene.
  • It has a high surface-to-volume ratio.
  • The product’s chemical composition has 79.87% Copper and 20.10% Oxygen.
  • The Density of the product is 6.31 g/cm3.
  • The Molar mass of the product is 79.55 g/mol.
  • The Melting point of the product is 1201 °C.
  • The boiling point of the product is 2000 °C.


   현재 홈페이지에 등록된 제품들은 재고 유무와 관계없이 구입이 가능하며, 별도문의의 상품인 경우 반드시 유선상 확인 후 구매부탁드립니다.
   납기가 표기된 상품의 경우 일반적인 수입진행에 소요되는 기간이며, 상품에 따라 납기일정이 추가 될 수 있으니 참고부탁드립니다.

Copper Oxide Nanoparticles (CuO)
산화 구리(II) 나노파티클



Copper Oxide Nanoparticles (Cuo Nanoparticles) are ultrafine particles of copper. It is one of the popular materials as it has antimicrobial and biocide properties. CuO Nanoparticles (Copper Oxide Nanopowder) are superfine particles of copper that have a size from 1 to 100 nm. Its research garners interest due to its characteristics of exploring the material’s potency, such as increased electrical conductivity and enhanced hardness, the increased strength of metals and alloys, toughness, and the luminous efficiency of semiconductors. The product is a monoclinic structure. The Copper Oxide Nanopowder is a brownish-black colour powder. Its exposure to hydrogen or carbon monoxide under high temperatures can cause modification in the metallic copper. Copper oxide is a semiconductor that has optical, electrical, and magnetic properties. The utilization of copper nanoparticles to colour glass and ceramics dates back to the 9th century. However, the process of synthesizing the material back then was different from what we use today.

There are several methods of synthesizing CuO Nanoparticles. Some of the popular ones are:

Electrochemical Method
The electrochemical method works when reactions occur between the electrode and the electrolyte.
With this method, electro-deposition takes place on a small portion of the electrode. The electrochemical method works when reactions occur between the electrode and the electrolyte.
With this method, electro-deposition takes place on a small portion of the electrode. It is beneficial as it helps control the morphology and size of the CuO NPs by altering the temperature, time, current density, composition, or voltage.

Sonochemical Method
The sonochemical process is a three steps process:
· Formation
· Development
· The breakdown of the microcavities received.
The technique includes the application of ultrasound while synthesizing the product.

PEG–Dependent Synthesis
This synthesis of the product takes place using the aqueous precipitation method. Sodium hydroxide acts as a stabilizing agent during the process, and copper acetate acts as a precursor.

Properties of Copper Oxide Nanoparticles
· Copper nanoparticles have unique characteristics such as catalytic and antifungal/antibacterial properties.
· When utilized as reagents in organic and organometallic synthesis, the product achieves a higher reaction yield with a shorter reaction time.
· It aids the condensation reaction of iodobenzene.
· It has a high surface-to-volume ratio.
· The product’s chemical composition has 79.87% Copper and 20.10% Oxygen.
· The Density of the product is 6.31 g/cm3.
· The Molar mass of the product is 79.55 g/mol.
· The Melting point of the product is 1201 °C.
· The boiling point of the product is 2000 °C.

Applications of Copper Oxide Nanoparticles
The Copper Oxide Nanoparticles act as a burning rate catalyst in rocket propellants. It helps to improve the homogeneous propellant burning rate. It is an effective catalyst for the chemical synthesis of methanol and glycol. It lowers the pressure index and performs best as a catalyst for the AP composite propellant.
Its applications are suitable for catalysts, superconducting materials, sensing materials, glass, thermoelectric materials, ceramics, etc. Moreover, the Copper Oxide Nanopowder is ideal for sintering additives, semiconductors, capacitor materials, ceramic resistors, gas sensors, magnetic storage, high-tech superconductors, medianear-infrared tilters, photoconductive solar energy transformation, and photo-thermal applications.
The daily life Copper diet supplements utilize CuO Nanopowder as efficient delivery characteristics. It acts as an anti-microbial, anti-biotic, and anti-fungal agent for plastics materials, coatings of metal and non-ferrous metal, conductive coating, and textiles. It increases the strength of metals and alloys and propagates EMI shielding; Heat sinks for thermally conductive materials.
One of the main applications of CuO nanoparticles is Conductive inks and pastes. It proves remarkable efficiency as a substitute for expensive noble metals in electronic displays, printed electronics, and conductive thin film applications. It is one of the highly beneficial Nano-metal lubricant additives.

How to Use Copper Oxide Nanoparticles?
Take the CuO nanoparticles powder in an amount desirable for the experiment. It is soluble in water and organic oils.
Researchers should remember that it is highly reactive to oxygen and avoid over-exposure of the product to oxygen to prevent over-oxidation.
Researchers can use walnut oil or deionized water for dispersion. Immerse the nanoparticles in the solvent and the ablation for at durations of 5ns.
Use a magnetic stirrer during the ablation process.
Focus a laser beam on the target with a 300 mm focal length lens for an interval of 5, 10, 20, 30, and 50 minutes.
Perform the dispersion at room temperature with a spot size of about 0.7 mm.

  • Cat. No CUO100
    Model CUO-100
    Description CUO-NANO-100g
    Unit 100g
    • 소비자가:224,000원
    재고 별도문의
  • Cat. No CUO500
    Model CUO-500
    Description CUO-NANO-500g
    Unit 500g
    • 소비자가:466,000원
    재고 별도문의
  • Cat. No CUO1000
    Model CUO-1000
    Description CUO-NANO-1kg
    Unit 1000g
    • 소비자가:769,000원
    재고 별도문의
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    상품에 하자가 있거나 주문한 상품과 다를 경우, 수령일로부터 15일 이내인 경우에 한하여 1:1 상품교환 또는 전액 환불 조치 해드리며,
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  • 교환 및 반품, 환불이 불가능 한 경우

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    3. 제품의 포장(비닐 및 상품박스)을 훼손 한 경우
    4. 주문 당시 재고가 없어서 국내 / 해외 조달 분 중 수입 발주 되어진 상품
    * 재고 상품이 아닌 경우, 수입 발주 되어진 상품의 주문 취소도 불가

  • 환불 안내

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