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Polystyrene Microspheres, Crosslinked, 1.07g/cc - 9.5um and 105um
Polystyrene microspheres are fully crosslinked with divinylbenzene (DVB) crosslinking agent.
Colorless spheres appear white in bulk form and translucent under magnification. High sphericity, uniformity, and crush strength make these spheres excellent precision fillers and template of choice for biological applications.
Due to crosslinked nature of these spheres they are highly resistant to organic solvents and can withstand higher temperatures.
The spheres are in their most pure form, with no surface functionalization, coatings or colorants added.
Crosslinked polystyrene is inert, chemically stable, and safe for handling.
The primary safety precaution is minimizing inhalation of dust for particles less than 10 micron in diameter.
Shelf life is 3 years for unopened products and 1 year after the product has been opened.
These particles are offered as a dry powder, making them suitable for easy use in a wide variety of applications.