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Soda Lime Solid Glass Microspheres 2.5g/cc - Bondline Spacer / Calibration Reference - 10um to 500um
Spacer-grade microspheres are highly spherical and free of odd shapes and angular particles.
Their high sphericity, close size tolerances and high mechanical strength and chemical durability make them ideal for all applications that require these high-grade standards.
Spacer-grade microspheres are presently used in gas plasma displays, automotive mirrors, electronic displays, flip-chip technology, filters, sporting goods equipment, calibration standards and other applications.
Tightly sized solid glass spheres are used in adhesives as a bond-line spacer. Glass spheres with high crush strength are incompressible and are added in small amounts to adhesives and resins to define the bond-line thickness.
Bondline spacer grade solid soda lime glass microspheres are available with tight particle size ranges to achieve bondline thickness (gap) from 10micron (0.01mm) to 500micron (0.5mm).
Bondline spacers are supplied as a dry powder. We recommend using ~5% of spheres by volume (~10% by weight) in epoxy bondlines.
Other size ranges of soda lime glass spherical particles are also available in broad sizes from 10um to 7.1mm.
If you don't see the size you need below please contact us and we will make a recommendation for an in-stock product and be able to give you pricing for the exact custom size you need.